FIB is the creation in space of a geometric path that connects the points generated by the circle, the line, the square, in a sequence that introduces distortions and rotations, creating a tangible design that becomes an anthropomorphic sculptural hanger that like a man, or a tree, is rooted in the earth to stretch towards the sky. LapiegaWD is an all-italian furniture brand creating iconic pieces made by metallic wire. Founded by the designer Enrico Girotti, as synthesis of a vast research on forms, materials and relationship lapiega design is built upon the concept of metallic wire forging a relationship between the strength and hardness of the metal, staged through the lines of the objects. The object is determined by a sign, which, like a pencil stroke, defines the border between full and empty.
Fib Hanger by LapiegaWD
H 175 x W 60 x D 60