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"I've been tempted to try preparations of precious metals on majolica for a long time. The decorations were inspired by historical pieces of our majolica from the depository of the Slovak National Museum - Museum of Slovak Ceramic Sculpture" – Katka, author of the collection.


Modra is the city of weddings. Pottery (including a plate thrown on the floor for the newlyweds to sweep up, or a thank you in a vase for the wedding parents) is a traditional part of their festivities. However, Katka's collection is a wedding gift for newlyweds. The delicate blue decor inspired by the work of the majolica painter Zuzana Petrášová, who worked in majolica in the 1970s, is dominated by a delicate leaf from which wreaths are made. The production process was supplemented by a third firing, during which 24-carat gold was permanently incorporated into the decor. The sensitive use of real gold emphasizes the beauty of the blue decor, creating a luxurious tea service set suitable as a wedding or representative gift.

The wedding set consists of a teapot, cups and saucers and a sugar bowl, but we can also apply gold decorations to other products.


The production process of ceramics takes at least 2 weeks, even longer in the period before Christmas. When applying gold, additional firing is required at a different temperature, so delivery may take longer. Please inquire about the delivery date.

Wedding - celebration of the real gold Slovak Majolika collection

VAT Included
  • The set includes:

    Teapot 1pc

    Tea cups with saucers 2 pcs

    Sugar bowl 1 pc

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"Průlet emoci"

"Průlet emoci" je velkoformátový abstraktní obraz o rozměrech 120 x 150 cm, který zachycuje výbušnou paletu emocí. Kombinace zlatých, hnědých, šedých, světle modrých, a světle zelených barev vytváří ohromující vizuální efekt. Obraz je tvořen vrstvami barev, které vypadají jako házené a rozfoukané po plátně, evokující pohyb a dynamiku.  Buďte připraveni na to, jak vás "Průlet emoci" vtáhne do světa emocí a nechte se unést tímto působivým dílem abstraktního umění.

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