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On a mountain near a Buddhist temple Thanos & Katia discovered a peculiar practice: tiny sticks placed underneath massive boulders, appearing to support them but too small to bear the stone’s weight. Three years later this has been the inspiration for CTRLZAK’s D\Zen project, in which this meeting of great weight and delicacy takes the form of two different pieces of furniture. In the past it is probable that these sticks were placed beneath the stones by monks and had sutras carved on them. The exact original meaning of this folk tradition is unclear, although it could be the expression of a request, a vow, or a testimony. Although the different forms of Buddhism have diverse practices, this specific one is unusual. It is certainly a gesture within the Zen spirit, which has been the foundation of this project’s creative process. It also followed Zen principles of slow and fast, movement and stillness, transformation and balance; above all an open process with open results which aims to be nothing more than what it is.

D/Zen Natural Square Side Table Gold and Brown by CtrlZak

VAT Included
  • W 33 x D 33 x H 41

Copy of WOOD OVAL JEWELRY BOX _edited.jpg

"Průlet emoci"

"Průlet emoci" je velkoformátový abstraktní obraz o rozměrech 120 x 150 cm, který zachycuje výbušnou paletu emocí. Kombinace zlatých, hnědých, šedých, světle modrých, a světle zelených barev vytváří ohromující vizuální efekt. Obraz je tvořen vrstvami barev, které vypadají jako házené a rozfoukané po plátně, evokující pohyb a dynamiku.  Buďte připraveni na to, jak vás "Průlet emoci" vtáhne do světa emocí a nechte se unést tímto působivým dílem abstraktního umění.

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